Radius extends an invitation to attend a LIVE broadcast of Episode 63: Eric Leonardson at a public beach on Lake Michigan in collaboration with SoundCamp / REVEIL, a 24-hour radio broadcast that tracks the sunrise around the globe.
Saturday May 2, 2015 at 5am CSTWhere:
Marion Mahony Griffin Beach Park
1205 West Sherwin Ave
Chicago, IL, USAProceeding the event, recorded activities from the temporary SoundTent at Camp Sheridan will be edited and compiled into a ‘fixed’ piece for release online at theradius.us/epsiode63.
Episode 63: Eric Leonardson
Radius Episode 63 hosts Eric Leonardson. Eric Leonardson is an audio artist, composer, sound designer, instrument inventor, improviser, and teacher. He has devoted a majority of his professional career to unorthodox approaches to sound and its instrumentation with a broad understanding of texture, atmosphere, and microtones. He is Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Sound at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, President of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, founder, and co-chair of the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology, and Executive Director of the World Listening Project.
Radius will broadcast SoundTent at Camp Sherwin. SoundTent at Camp Sherwin uses sounds recorded and selected from a gathering for listening to the dawn chorus on the shoreline of Lake Michigan on the north side of Chicago. Lake Michigan is the second largest of the five Great Lakes. It is an essential and also challenged natural and economic resource. Connecting the dawn chorus to an electroacoustic community of live open microphones on the web is a curious phenomenon, linking an elemental substance and process of the earth to technologies of transmission.Arranged into an audio composition, SoundTent at Camp Sherwin is a creative work in sound culled from an ecotone, a transitional zone between two biological communities. At Camp Sherwin, sounds of waves, birds, and humans mix. Following the dawn chorus event on May 2nd presented in collaboration with SoundCamp / REVEIL, a real time audio stream will continue for the remainder of the month from a secure, private location nearby the public one. From one standpoint the real time audio stream is a form of electronic eavesdropping. From another, it is a shared resource for eco-sensing and the soundscape: monitoring and reminding us that life depends on water, the essential ingredient for all life. Its movement and disappearance shapes the landscape in an audibly cyclical and dynamic process.

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