Museum of Sound. British Broadcasting Corporation house, London.
L/S exterior of Broadcasting house. M/S of a broadcaster inside speaking into the microphone. M/S as Pathe reporter interviews director Linton Fletcher who discusses the purposes of recording and keeping events so people can listen to them. M/S of a recording car sent out to where the news is. Back in the B.B.C. building we see Martin Pulling in the engineering department, he talks about how they actually get the recording and we see the equipment and gramophone discs being played back.
M/S of Linton Fletcher talking again about their vast library. We see moving pictures of Edison with original phonograph, Gladstone is speaking on the record. Fletcher discusses recording events and we see good footage of the eruption of Krakatoa. We hear Lord Roberts speaking in 1913 about the Home Guard, it shows them marching then and now. Fletcher compares Churchill’s speech of 1918 to a recent one from 1943. Various good shots of women indexers in the library, they look along the shelves and select certain records. Fletcher says he hopes the records will convey their way of life. Various shots of Lloyd George, Stalin and Roosevelt.

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